The Importance of Vitamin D

When it comes to vitamins, it is important not to skip out on your daily recommendation. There are several vitamins that you should take on a daily basis. One of those is Vitamin D. Here we will discuss why Vitamin D is important to your daily ritual.

Helps Fight Depression

Depression continues to be a battle that numerous people fight every day. With the current pandemic and people having to stay at home, depression has risen even higher. According to a study in the British Journal of Psychiatry, people with low levels of Vitamin D can show to have signs of depression. While a Vitamin D deficiency isn’t the only cause for depression, taking Vitamin D supplements and getting plenty of outdoor exercises may help with increased moods and leave you happier.

Support Immune System

While immune health is important, it is even more important during this time due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19. Vitamin D is a great way to ensure that your immune system is ready to fight. Vitamin D helps keep your immune system balance and helps enhance the function of immune cells, which helps your body fight off infection. Increasing your Vitamin D intake, such as Vitamin D injections, can help your body be ready to fight any infection. With busy schedules and hectic lives, nobody has the time to get sick!

Aids in Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be both an exciting and scary time. We always hope that our babies will be born healthy and strong. Vitamin D is a great way to ensure a healthy pregnancy. A 2019 review by the American College of Nurses-Midwives suggested that a deficiency of Vitamin D can increase the risk of developing preeclampsia, which can lead to high blood pressure and damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys. Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to gestational diabetes, which not only can affect both the mother and baby, but can also lead to Type 2 diabetes in the future.

As you can see, Vitamin D plays an important part in everyday life. If you have questions about Vitamin D or are in need of Vitamin D supplements, give us a call! We would love to help you!