Is it Safe to Receive IV Fluids During Pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, congratulations! It is a magical and scary time, and you likely have questions about what is safe for you and your unborn baby. One such question that we often get asked is whether or not it’s safe to receive intravenous (IV) fluids during pregnancy. The short answer: yes! But let’s break down why this is the case.
The Benefits of Receiving IV Fluids During Pregnancy
When a woman is pregnant, there are many changes that occur in her body in order to accommodate the growing baby. One of those changes is an increased need for fluids as the body works harder than ever before to support both mother and child. One way to ensure that a woman maintains adequate hydration levels is through receiving IV fluids during pregnancy—and there are multiple benefits associated with doing so.
First and foremost, when a woman receives IV fluids during pregnancy, she can rest assured that she will be able to maintain proper hydration levels throughout her entire pregnancy. This helps keep her healthy, as proper hydration prevents dehydration-related issues like headaches, muscle cramps, dizziness, fatigue, and more from occurring. In addition to hydration benefits, studies have also found that infusion treatment can help reduce the risk of developing hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). HG is an extreme form of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; however, studies suggest that receiving infusion treatments may reduce the severity of these symptoms in some cases.
Generally speaking, most types of IV nutrition therapy (IVNT) are considered safe for pregnant women; however, it’s always best practice to consult with your doctor prior to beginning any type of treatment plan while pregnant. That being said, there have been several studies conducted on this topic that suggest that receiving infusion treatment does not increase a woman’s risk for congenital abnormalities or any other complications related to pregnancy or birth defects.
Receiving intravenous (IV) fluids during pregnancy can help ensure that a pregnant woman maintains proper hydration levels throughout her entire pregnancy—which helps her stay healthy and happy throughout all stages of gestation! Plus, there have been multiple studies conducted on this topic that have concluded that receiving infusion therapy does not associate with higher risks for congenital abnormalities or any other complications related to pregnancy or birth defects. As always though, it’s best practice to consult with your doctor prior to beginning any type of treatment plan while pregnant — just to be sure!
At LIVE Hydration Spa, we specialize in providing safe and effective IV therapies tailored specifically for pregnant women. Our team consists of experienced professionals who understand the delicate balance of hormones during pregnancy and will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that meets your specific needs. All of our IV treatments are administered in a comfortable spa-like atmosphere designed to help reduce stress levels while providing maximum therapeutic benefit.
If you’re looking for a way to make your pregnancy more enjoyable, consider booking an appointment at one of our LIVE Hydration Spas today! Our experienced team provides safe and effective treatments tailored specifically for pregnant women that can help improve energy levels, reduce fatigue symptoms associated with morning sickness, and boost overall well-being during your pregnancy journey. With a variety of options available at each location, you’ll be sure to find just what you need at one of our spas! Book an appointment now to start feeling better today!